
Prey chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Chu-nin exam, first test: paper test of doom

Naruto found Hinata training with Kiba and Shino. They hadn’t noticed him, so he watched Hinata. She had improved a lot lately. Naruto could see that. She managed to kick Kiba a lot and he fell on the ground, exhausted. “Oi, Hinata-chan!” Naruto then said and walked to her and her team-mates.

Hinata turned around blushing. “Naruto-kun.” Naruto walked to her smiling. Kiba looked annoyed, “How did you found us?” Naruto looked at Kiba. “I used my nose of course.” Hinata giggled a bit, luckily Kiba didn’t notice. “Naruto, why did you come, we’re in the middle of training as you can see,” Shino said. “Sorry, I just came to tell that I’m taking part of the chu-nin exam again.”

Kiba stood up, staring at Naruto. “With whom?” “Mitsuki,” Naruto grinned. “And?” “Well Rakuna of course.” “That’s not what I mean, idiot! Who’s the third member? You’re supposed to be a three man squad to take the chu-nin exam!” Kiba shouted. ‘Is yelling really necessary,’ Naruto thought. “That’s what I said to Tsunade-o-baa-chan, but she’s giving us an exception.” “When does it start?” Hinata asked. “We have to be in room 205 at three o’clock.” “Good luck, Naruto-kun,” Hinata mumbled blushing. “Thanks,” Naruto said smiling, with some pink in his face.

“So here you are. Running away like that, is not very nice.” Naruto turned around to see Mitsuki and Rakuna. “Sorry, I…” “Yeah, yeah, I understand,” Mitsuki sighed and looked at Hinata. “Good luck to you too, Mitsuki-chan,” Hinata smiled. Mitsuki nodded.

Kiba walked to Mitsuki. “Chu-nin exam now already?” he asked. “Yeah, kind of fast, I don’t know if I even stand a change, but it’s worth trying.” Kiba nodded, “I hope you don’t have to deal with Ibiki’s test in the first part.” “Ibiki’s test?” Mitsuki asked confused, not trying to look at Naruto and Hinata who were enjoying themselves. “Yeah, he’s a sadist who will torture you until the end of the test, if you’re not sharp to see through his tricks. Like Naruto over there.” Kiba gave Naruto a look.

Mitsuki started grinning. “What’s so funny?” Kiba asked and looked back at her. “I am sharp minded, so don’t worry about that.” “What makes you think I worry about that?” Kiba almost shouted. “Why else would you tell me?” Kiba opened his mouth to say something, but shut when he didn’t know what to say. “See, that’s what I mean with sharp minded,” Mitsuki smiled.

Suddenly she stopped smiling, realizing that this was the second time she laughed in a short while. “Something wrong?” Kiba asked after seeing her face. “Nah, I just realized something, that’s all.” Mitsuki turned to Naruto and Hinata, who were now just talking. “I don’t really want to interrupt, but shouldn’t we get going Naruto?” she asked uncomfortable.

Naruto turned to Mitsuki. “Right,” he then turned back to Hinata to give her a quick kiss and ran up to Mitsuki, who already had started walking to the academy. He put his hands in his pockets and had a discussion with himself. He wanted to see Hinata tomorrow again, but that would mean that he fails the first part of the exam, something he didn’t want. “Naruto, can I ask you something?” Naruto stopped discussing with himself and looked at Mitsuki. “What is it?” “You have done this chu-nin exam before, right?” “Yes.” “Could you tell about the rules and stuff like that.” Naruto nodded.

At quarter to three they entered room 205. A lot of others were already there. Naruto leaned against the wall and thought about the last chu-nin exam he had taken. A small grin came on his face. “What are you smiling about?” Mitsuki asked. “Nothing,” Naruto answered, while shaking of the thought of yelling those words again.

“Aah!” a boy screamed and pointed at Naruto. “Naruto-nii-san!” Mitsuki wondered who this boy was.

Naruto started at the boy in front of him. “Konohamaru! You’re here as well?!” Then he felt everybody staring at him again. ‘Ah well, it couldn’t be avoided,’ Naruto thought laughing. “This time, I’m gonna beat you!” “You really think so,” Naruto grinned.

“Naruto, you know that boy?” Mitsuki asked. “Yeah, he’s a friend of mine.” “Who are you?” Konohamaru demanded. “Mitsuki, Naruto’s team-mate.” The boy stared at her and then looked around. “Where’s your other team-mate?” Konohamaru asked.

Naruto didn’t answer. Ibiki had entered the room, together with a bunch of other ninja. “Sorry to keep you wimps waiting.”

‘Heh, him again. This time I know how to deal with you,’ Naruto thought as he lined up to turn in his application form and getting the number of his seat. ‘Just like last time, we are spread over the room. Where is Mitsuki?’ Naruto found her a few seats behind him.

“Now that you are all sitting I will tell you the rules, while you get your paper test. I will write them down on the board. Pay attention and no questions. Rule number one. You start with ten points. Every time you answered a question wrong, you loose one point. Hit zero and you fail. Rule number two. This exam is a team event. If one of your team-mates has no right answers, you all fail. Rule number three cheating is not allowed. If one of the proctors finds out you cheat, you loose two points. And not only you, but your team-mates as well. Again when you have no points left you and your team fails.”

It’s the same as the last time, Naruto thought grinning. He saw others gulping and looking a bit despaired. “Rule number four…” ‘A fourth rule? That means it’s different.’

“You must at least get two points. So six points per team. If you don’t have this minimum, you fail, along with your team of course.”

‘WHAT THE F… How on earth I’m gonna get two points! Using Kage Bunshin to cheat isn’t an opportunity.’

“One last thing. The tenth question will be asked ten minutes before the end of the exam. You have one hour, starting now.”

Mitsuki turned her paper and started reading the questions. From the things Naruto had told her, she knew most of the exam was the same. She sighed as she picked up her pencil. ‘I can’t answer one of them, she thought, in that case… I have to use… it.’

Naruto stared at the paper, feeling the proctors watching him, like he was some kind of bandit. The questions were as difficult as the last time, except he understood them better now. But he still wasn’t able to answer them.

>Naruto can you hear me. <

Naruto was shocked to death when he heard Mitsuki’s voice in his head.

>Don’t scare me like that! <
>So you can hear me. <
>Yes, how are able to do this? <
>Doesn’t matter right now. Do you know any of the answers? <
>Well actually… <

Naruto stared at his paper. The fourth question: ‘What must you do when you have to fight with eye jutsu that is able to put you in a genjutsu when you look in the persons eyes? Give a clear explanation of how to fight and what to do when you’re caught in the genjutsu.’ He knew that one.

>The fourth is easy. <
>Easy! <
>Yes, I’ll explain. First of; never look the person in the eye and try to see how he moves by looking at his feet and hands. Second of; never fight the person alone. When you are alone, flee. If you’re caught in the genjutsu, stop your chakra flow for a moment and the genjutsu will wear off. <
>You sure? <
>Positive. <

Naruto read the other questions, they were too difficult. He looked around. Was the first round of the chu-nin exam really the same as the last time?

>Any more? <
>No, you? <
>Nah-uh, Rakuna is searching for the proctor between those who are taking the exam, like you told. It will take some time to find him or her. <
>Okay, I’ll wait. <

Naruto sighed. Somehow he was able to get the right answers. Lucky him. Though he was surprised he could answer one of them. Then he noticed Konohamaru at the far left of him. He was having a hard time. Naruto grinned.

>Rakuna, did you find him yet? <
>I think I did. <
>Where? <
>He’s sitting next to that boy Konohamaru. <
>Naruto, Rakuna found him; it’s the one next to Konohamaru. <

Naruto eyes widened and he glared at the man form the corners of his eyes.

>Uhm, Mitsuki, how are we able to get the answers now? <
>Rakuna will use her ears and nose to get them. She has the answer of the first one… <

Naruto scribed the words Mitsuki gave him down.

Time passed and while Naruto was writing, several were disqualified, because of cheating. Naruto reached the end of the paper. Question number ten, one of your team has to answer this last question.

“Pencils down!” Ibiki said and Naruto looked up. It was already time? He heard the noise of pencils clattering on the tables. Then proctors started to collect the papers. ‘So this exam is different in some way at least.’ “Numbers 52, 69 and 123 failed,” one proctor said. “Numbers…” ‘So the really let you fail if you don’t have enough points,’ Naruto thought. Several where sent out again. To Naruto’s surprise Konohamaru and his team weren’t among those who were sent away.

The proctors nodded to Ibiki, the ones that were still sitting, passed with at least two points per person. “Then now before I ask you the tenth question. Do you except or reject it. If you except, but answer it wrongly, you fail and will never able to take the chu-nin. And don’t forget you take your team along. Reject and you are able to go, taking the next chu-nin exam.”

Heh, the same question again, Naruto thought and leaned on his hand, looking around. He saw Konohamaru shaking, just like he had the first time. Naruto saw some raising their hand and more teams left.

>There is a tenth question beside the whole ‘do you want to answer it or not’ thing, Naruto.<
>How do you know? <
>Read the paper, it says ‘one of your team has to answer this last question’
>So what? <
>It was different last time, you told. That time there wasn’t anything about one of your team-mates has to answer the question, right. <
>Yeah… <
>You told me they didn’t collect the papers and started checking them, right? <
>Yes, that’s true. <
>They have checked them and those who have failed in cheating are send out. <
>I still don’t get where you’re going to. <
>Naruto look at Ibiki. He has a little pile of papers in his hands and Rakuna sniffed out that those have the tenth question on it. <

Naruto looked at Ibiki’s hand and saw the papers, Mitsuki was talking about.

>So, you’re saying that there really is a tenth question? <
>Do I need to spell it out for you Y-E-S! <
>In that case… <
>Wait what are you doing? <
>I want at least some competition left. <

Mituski sighed, stopped the jutsu and looked at Naruto’s back. Though she had to agree with him, not a lot where left. At the start there had been about one hundred and fifty people, so far one hundred had left and it was only the first part of the exam.

“I ask you again, do you except this last question?” Naruto leaned back laying his hands on his head. “Like I said last time. I don’t give a damn thing if I stay ge-nin forever. I make my dream come true no matter what,” Naruto said with a grin on his face, looking at Ibiki. Others were watching him as well. He saw Konohamaru’s face, a smile appeared on the boys face and he nodded. Like last time, no ge-nin was left thinking of quitting.

Ibiki looked around, knowing that none would leave after those words. “Very well. Those who are still here, choose one of your team that has to answer the last question. You have five minutes to choose.” Mitsuki looked at Naruto and nodded to him. “Me?  Why?” “I trust you.”

>Beside, we can always communicate in this way. <

Naruto sighed, “Alright.”

“Those who are chosen have to leave this room for a while,” Ibiki said. Mitsuki wondered why and saw Naruto leaving. When one of every team was outside the room, they closed the door, after several proctors had followed them. “Everyone who is here now, go to the back of the classroom. You are not allowed to pass the sixth table from the front while your team-mate is making the last question. If we find out you try to communicate with your team-mate, your team immediately fails, but has right to try next year.”

Mitsuki stood up and walked to the back with Rakuna. She sat down on the seventh table and waited till the door was opened again and the candidates for making the last question. They lined up and got a paper from Ibiki. Then they sat down. Mitsuki saw Naruto, he sat down on the third table from the front. Ibiki signed them they had to start.

Mitsuki watched Naruto writing five minutes after reading the question. She tried to contact him, but somehow was unable to. She contacted Rakuna.

>Can you talk with Naruto? <
>No, maybe they used some jutsu that makes you unable to use telepathy. <
>Is possible, Father used that on me when… <

Mitsuki stopped, unable to go on and think about her father. She watched Naruto again.

After ten minutes they had to stop writing and gave their paper to Ibiki. Ibiki looked at the papers and then at the class. “I ask you, do you trust your team-mate enough to be sure he or she has answered the question right? If not, your team fails and will never be able to take part in the chu-nin exam again.” Mitsuki heard he had asked that question last time too. If you just stay, you pass. But… this was different then that time. The man had looked at the papers, at the answers. Does that mean that if Naruto…

Some of them stopped and left the room. Others were looking unsure, but didn’t give in to Ibiki’s trick. “I ask you again, are you sure that your team-mate has answered the question right?”

Mitsuki closed her eyes and tried to lay contact with him again. She failed, but it was then that she noticed something. “Alright, all of you…”

Mitsuki grabbed a kunai and threw it at Naruto. She hit his bonnet that got stuck on the board behind him. “Mitsuki, what the hell was that good for!” Naruto shouted. “Does this mean, you don’t trust your team-mate, Mitsuki?” Ibiki asked. “O, I do trust my team-mate, if that was him,” Mitsuki pointed to Naruto, “That’s not Naruto.”

Mitsuki looked at the fake Naruto. It had normal ears. One of those jo-nin that went outside as well, must have used a transforming jutsu. He or she doesn’t know Naruto has fox ears. “What do you mean?! Of course I am!” “You’re putting him up very well, put you ain’t him, so stop the transform!” Mitsuki shouted back. The fake Naruto disappeared and it was a jo-nin that was standing there.

“I am sure that is Kohaku,” someone said behind Mitsuki and pointed to his team-mate.

“When you said, ‘all of you…’ you were about to say have failed, weren’t you?” Mitsuki asked Ibiki, “Because nobody said something about a fake team member. What is really unfair, because the real ones are there as well. The real question isn’t the one on paper, but if it’s your team-mate or not. Next to that you have to see it from this far away. Like you have to in the real world. Am I right?” “Heh, you’re a smart one,” Ibiki said. Mitsuki got a little smile on her face, “Heh.” “In that case the rest of you gets five minutes to figure out if this is your team-mate or not.”

Mitsuki sat down on the table, they had passed the first test. When the five minutes were over, several were sent out again. Only twenty teams were left when the ninja that went outside came back.

Naruto walked up to Mitsuki and wondered how she had figured out it wasn’t him, since they don’t know each other that well. “All of you that are still here have passed.” Then a sudden wind blew though the room. Naruto sighed. ‘Not that damn blood thirsty woman again,’ he thought. “All right wimps, let’s move on to the next test!” the new chief examination officer said, “I am Mitarashi Anko, now follow me!” Naruto pushed himself from the table he was leaning at and followed the woman.

They stopped in front of a big forest that had a fence of three meters high around it, though it was another forest then the one during Naruto’s first chu-nin exam. “Welcome on training ground 36, also known as the Forest of Nightmares.” “O really, last time it was the Forest of Death and now it’s the Forest of Nightmares. Tss,” Naruto said. “Well, haven’t I seen you before. The cocky one from a few years ago. So you returned.” “Heh.” A kunai flew through the air and missed Naruto by an inch, because he turned his head away. The kunai hit the ground. “You are able to dodge it this time, I’m impressed, but don’t get to ahead of yourself. The forest of nightmares is far more dangerous than the Forest of Death. Okay everyone pay attention!”
Yay finally here. Okay it's shorter then normally, but I had to stop at that point. Sorry, hope you look it ^^. The two doodles at the begin I made during class >.> .

chap 11: [link]
chap 13: [link]

>.... < = talking with using telapathy jutsu
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animeak116's avatar
Well naruto seems a bit.....annoyed.